If you’re a backpacker, this is the ultimate comfort pushchair! Very easy to handle on all terrains, with great accessories… it is cut out for any adventure.

Cruising mode

The carrycot can be adapted for feeding, thanks to the cushion insert (optional). SPF50+ hood, can be deployed and adjusted, even when raised. Powerful suspension! Easy to collapse. Travel system. Birth-23kg. Cruz V2 pushchair, UPPAbaby, €799 (and €49.50 for the insert).


Urban, comfortable, manoeuvrable, fairly compact, modular and easy to fold… it has your trips into town covered

On the right path

An urban travel system with a flexible carrycot and car seat (options) to keep your little one facing you. Its seat is spacious and can be reclined for napping. Stylish and functional with a leather-wrapped handlebar, anti-UV 50+ extendible canopy, simple folding. Birth-23kg. Minu, UPPAbaby, €439.


Adaptable, made for one or two babies, it grows with the family! Thanks to the various elements it combines – pushchair, carrycot, car seat… you have all the comfort you need onboard.

Born in the USA

The top choice amongst New Yorkers sets itself apart on account of its ride comfort in both solo and double mode. We love it for its compact dimensions, its raised seats offering its passengers a good view, its nicely finished look and its quick folding. 0-3 years.

Vista V2, UPPAbaby – €1,199.

Par Isabelle Fuoc